A new a bugfix release was prepared to overcome the issues from the previous 1.8.x releases.
- The list by “Who” and list by “Waiting for” merging was fixed #50
- The “By Who” pane had a NPE #49
- A corner case parsing problem was fixed pending since 1.7.x releases #44
Thanks for @OttKostner for the bug reports and the test files!
The release is available at the release page, on GitHub and on SourceForge.
Thank you for all the activities that you develop in this initiative, is very useful.
Previously used in the attribute “When” values such as “This month”, “This year”, “no date” but after the 1.8 version all these values considered them as “This week” and when generating the report sorted by time appeared that way.
I opened an issue for this. It will be handled in the next release.
You can track the progress here
Thank you very much for your attention and opportunity in the response.
Gustavo Ramirez