Perils of transformation programs

The companies starting transformation programs are usually showing the Dunning-Kruger effect in motion, as they progress.

They start with ignorant goal setting, and as the understanding increases, fear sets in. Too bad it’s always too late to do anything about it then. By the time the company overcomes the effects of the program it’s ignorance raises high enough to start a new program.… Read More Perils of transformation programs

Using Mindweb as a document outliner

There are times I have to write a longer article, document, or prepare a presentation, where I have no idea how I’m going to get my thoughts structured. This is where document outliner tools come handy.

My primary goal when creating the Mindweb application was, to create a tool for managing my GTD system. As it’s based on standard mindmap functionality, there is no reason not to use it as a document outliner.… Read More Using Mindweb as a document outliner